Difference Between Event and Transaction [Notes with PDF]

Today we will learn what is the difference between Event and Transaction? Transactions are created through events, but not all events can be called transactions.

Before we understand the difference between an event and a transaction, we first know what is an event? and what is the transaction?  


Everything that happens in every moment of human life is an event. Events can be financial and non-financial. There may be two parties in the event or not. The event may be complete and may be incomplete.  


The transaction is a phenomenon that is measurable by money and influences the assets, liabilities, and ownership rights of any business entity. Each transaction must have two parties and if there is no financial change then there will be no transaction.  

Difference between Event and Transaction

Although the events and transactions seem to be the same, there is a considerable difference between them.

The following are the differences between the event and the transaction:  

SN.Point of DifferenceEventTransaction
1.DefinitionEverything that happens in human life is called an event.Transactions are the events through which the financial condition of the business changes
2.RelationOne event may or may not have a relationship with another.Each transaction is unique and autonomous.
3.ClassificationThere are two types of events. Namely: financial events and non-financial events.There are different types of transactions.
4.MagnitudeThe magnitude of the event is extremely wide.The magnitude of the transaction is limited compared to the event.
5.PartyThere is no need for a party to organize the event.The transaction requires two parties.
6.ExchangeIn the event of an exchange of goods or services, it may or may not always happen.In the event of an exchange of goods or services, it always happens.
7.Documentary EvidenceIt is not necessary to have a valid document for the event.The transaction must have a valid document.
8.Record of AccountsIt may or may not be necessary to hold an account for the event.It is necessary to hold an account for every transaction.
9.MotiveThere may not be a specific motive behind the event.There must be a purpose behind every transaction.
10.Monetary ValueThere may or may not be monetary value in the event.The transaction must have a monetary value.
11.Financial ChangeFinancial changes do not have to happen by an event.Every transaction must have financial changes.

I think you’re clear about what is the difference between event and transaction? Don’t forget to comment on us, if you have any confusion.

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